Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just one more thing...

Peter Falk, who perfected the role of Lt. Columbo, has advanced Alzheimer's. According to his doctor, testifying in open court, the 81 year old actor can no longer can remember playing the part of the great Detective.

A couple of years ago, there'd been talk of a final "Columbo" movie, stalled by network executives who claimed he was "too old to play the part". It struck me as odd, given reports that Falk had approved the script and was ready to start filming. After all, Falk had some powerful friends in the business, like Steven Speilberg. I wondered why they weren't intervening, using their clout to do the "Last Columbo Story".

It's apparent now he must have been showing signs of his illness. It was appropriate to keep private the nature of his difficulties, out of respect for the man.

He had a long and varied life, and an equally varied career, but inevitably, he is remembered for the part he was originally told he was too young to play, Columbo.

Though the man, to whatever extent possible, is still with us, his greatest creation has gone from him. There will be no more portrayals of Columbo by this talented actor.

So finally, the cigar is put out, the chili is finished, the pen placed in a desk drawer, and the raincoat put away in the closet. The Lieutenant is retired and gone home, whistling "This Old Man".

Just one more thing, Sir...

We'll miss you.

1 comment:

  1. Somewhere, the good Lieutenant had arrested that young girl who was running around claiming she was his wife....his genuine wife, who probably resembled Maureen Stapleton,is taking care of her husband and their dog....I'll bet the car is in their garage...and some neighbors have passed along some mail addressed to Lou Tennant Columbo...
